17 Best Montessori Books For Parents

montessori books for parents

If you’re a parent interested in bringing Montessori principles into your home, you need to know the best Montessori books for parents. You will likely have questions that the books below will all answer. What is the Montessori method exactly? What types of materials and lessons do Montessori schools use? How can you take a Montessori approach to parenting?

The good news is there are many excellent Montessori books that can help you learn more. In this article, we’ll overview the top categories of Montessori books for parents and share our top recommendations in each category.

Why Read Montessori Books?

Maria Montessori, the founder of the Montessori method, was an educator and physician in the early 20th century. She developed unique educational materials and approaches based on her scientific observations of children.

Montessori books allow you to dive into her theories and educational philosophy. They also provide practical tips for how to apply Montessori at home, from room setup to activities and lessons.

Reading Montessori books helps parents:

  • Understand the reasoning behind Montessori materials and methods
  • Get activity and lesson ideas to foster development
  • Create a thoughtfully prepared Montessori environment
  • Take a Montessori approach to parenting and discipline

With so many great titles, where should you start? Here is an overview of the top categories of Montessori books and what to look for in each genre.

3 Best Montessori Books For Parents

The Absorbent Mind: A Classic in Education and Child Development for Educators and Parents

The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori explains her theory that children go through crucial developmental stages in the first six years of life, naturally absorbing knowledge from their environment without direct teaching.

The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being (The Parents' Guide to Montessori, 1)

The Montessori Toddler provides tips for parents on creating a Montessori home environment, fostering curiosity and independence, and taking a respectful approach to discipline and learning for toddlers ages 1-3.

Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three

Montessori from the Start provides guidance on creating a Montessori home environment and introducing self-discovery tasks to babies and toddlers from birth to age three.

1. Maria Montessori’s Own Writings

For an in-depth look at Montessori principles, go right to the source – Maria Montessori’s own books!

Montessori poured her insights and observations into books like The Montessori Method, The Absorbent Mind, and The Secret of Childhood. Her books dive into topics like the absorbent mind concept, sensitive periods, and how to cultivate concentration, coordination, and independence in children.

Maria Montessori’s books help parents understand how children learn best according to her philosophy. They provide the reasoning behind her unique educational materials and methods.

The Montessori Method (Illustrated)

This book presents Maria Montessori's innovative approach to education, emphasizing children's natural desire to learn and the importance of freedom in fostering self-discipline and confidence, with hands-on tools and guidance for educators to effectively nurture young learners.

The Absorbent Mind: A Classic in Education and Child Development for Educators and Parents

This book delves into the critical first six years of a child's life, highlighting their remarkable ability to absorb information, and provides insights into the Montessori Method of teaching, a time-tested approach adopted by thousands of schools for effective child development and education.

The Secret of Childhood (Montessori series Book 22)

This book explores early childhood development, emphasizing the child's innate psychic capacities, introduces the Montessori Method where adults learn from children rather than imposing ideas, and highlights an environment of free choice, concentration, and absence of punishment, leading to confident and joyful learners.

2. The Parents’ Guide to Montessori Book Series

This popular series offers 2 books, one for the baby phase and one for the toddler phase. They provide tips for implementing Montessori at home through activities focused on practical life, sensorial exploration, math, language, and more.

If you read both of them, you will learn how to apply Montessori principles to raise babies with respect, calm, and an understanding of their developmental needs from birth to age one. The books provide hundreds of practical tips for setting up a toddler-friendly home, creating purposeful Montessori activities, and taking a peaceful, respectful approach to discipline and learning during the toddler years.

The Montessori Baby: A Parent's Guide to Nurturing Your Baby with Love, Respect, and Understanding (The Parents' Guide to Montessori, 2)

Learn how to nurture and understand your baby using Dr. Maria Montessori's principles, offering practical ideas for fostering their development, creating safe spaces in your home, and preparing for parenthood with love and respect.

The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being (The Parents' Guide to Montessori, 1)

Discover how to transform your home and parenting approach using Dr. Maria Montessori's principles, offering practical tips for daily routines, fostering curiosity, setting boundaries with kindness, and seeing the world through your toddler's eyes for a fulfilling parenting experience.

3. Montessori Parenting Books

In addition to Montessori education, books are available on parenting approaches aligned with Montessori philosophy.

Topics covered include understanding the parent-child connection, fostering independence, raising peaceful and respectful kids, approaches to discipline, and more. The books offer practical parenting solutions based on respect, connection, and child development knowledge.

Montessori parenting books provide guidance on how to implement Montessori philosophy in day-to-day family life. This helps parents take a consistent approach at home.

Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three

Dive into Dr. Maria Montessori's approach for nurturing babies and toddlers, filled with practical guidance on creating conducive environments, understanding sensitive periods for learning, and fostering independence and skills from birth to age three.

How To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori Way, 2nd Edition

Discover Montessori techniques to foster independence, creativity, and confidence in children, offering hands-on preschool activities, educational games, and insights into child development, screen time, coparenting, and gentle discipline methods.

Montessori for Every Family: A Practical Parenting Guide to Living, Loving and Learning

Learn key Montessori principles and effortlessly apply them to everyday family life, fostering respect, curiosity, and lifelong learning, with practical advice suitable for children of all ages, ensuring a nurturing and empowering home environment.

4. At Home Montessori Books

Many parents do not have access to a Montessori school but are interested in the materials and method. That’s where at-home Montessori books come in!

These books provide blueprints for setting up a Montessori environment in your home. They share how to thoughtfully arrange room spaces for children, create DIY versions of materials, establish routines, and cultivate independence.

At-home Montessori books offer cost-effective ways to bring Montessori home. Parents can implement ideas in a playroom, bedroom, or entire home using basic materials.

Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years: The Pre-School Years

Empower your child's early development by introducing them to the Montessori method at home, leveraging techniques and materials that foster discovery and foundational skills in reading, writing, math, and practical life during their most absorbent years from two to five.

Teach Me to Do It Myself: Montessori Activities for You and Your Child

Discover simple, hands-on Montessori activities that foster children's skills in areas like sensory perception, language, and movement, with detailed instructions and variations that empower toddlers to learn and achieve tasks independently, ranging from personal hygiene to creative games.

The Montessori Home: Create a Space for Your Child to Thrive

Discover how to transform your home using Montessori principles to foster curiosity, creativity, and independence in young children, with guidance on creating accessible spaces for practical life skills and over 75 activities tailored for ages 0-5.

Montessori Reading Workbook: A LEARN TO READ activity book with Montessori reading tools (Montessori Activity Books for Home and School)

This workbook offers a step-by-step Montessori approach to reading, packed with activities, tools, and exercises that help children aged 3-7 recognize letters, build words, and read sentences, with engaging illustrations to color and hands-on materials suitable for both home and classroom use.

Montessori Play And Learn: A Parent's Guide to Purposeful Play from Two to Six

Learn how to integrate Montessori methods into everyday life, offering activities and games that foster your child's intellectual and emotional growth, and transform your home environment into a stimulating space akin to a top Montessori preschool.

Basic Montessori

Discover a clear, modern explanation of Montessori's methods for early intellectual development, offering step-by-step activities that foster reading, writing, math, science, and sensorial skills in children under five, guiding adults in understanding how their children learn.

5. Montessori Classroom Books

For a peek inside Montessori classrooms, beautifully photographed books showcase real Montessori learning environments. Others use illustrations and diagrams to explain classroom layouts and materials.

These books help you understand the Montessori method by showing shelves, materials, and classroom setup. Parents gain a visual understanding of Montessori classrooms.

Montessori in the Classroom: A Teacher's Account of How Children Really Learn

This book offers a detailed look into a year in a Montessori classroom, showing how teachers guide and children engage in the learning process.

A Parents Guide to the Montessori Classroom

This guide offers a clear overview of the Montessori method and materials for 3-6 year olds, serving as an informative resource for parents new to or curious about Montessori.

Spontaneous Activity in Education: A Basic Guide to the Montessori Methods of Learning in the Classroom (Hardcover)

This book delves into Maria Montessori's unique teaching principles, offering insights on her innovative approach that aims to maximize every child's academic potential, beneficial for both parents and teachers.


Montessori books allow parents to learn the theory and apply the method at home. Dive into Maria Montessori’s original works to understand her philosophy. Then use age-specific guides for lessons and activities.

Parenting books, at-home guides, and classroom peeks provide further insights. Learning about the Montessori method takes time and patience. Start small by exploring a few books that capture your interest. Soon you’ll be on your way to bringing Montessori home!

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